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Letra Música I Like That – Janelle Monáe

Sometimes a mystery, sometimes I’m free
Depending on my mood or my attitude
Sometimes I wanna roll or stay at home
Walking contradiction, guess I’m factual and fiction
A little crazy, little sexy, little cool
Little rough around the edges, but I keep it smooth
I’m always left of center, and that’s right where I belong
I’m the random minor note you hear in major songs

And I like that
I don’t really give a fuck if I was just the only one
Who likes that
I never like to follow, follow all around and chase the sun

Oh me, oh me, oh me, oh my
Oh me, oh me, oh me, oh my
Oh me, oh me, oh me, oh my
I like that

I don’t care what I look like, but I feel good
Better than amazing, and better than I could
Told the whole world, I’m the venom and the antidote
Take a different type of girl to keep the whole world afloat

Cause I’m crazy and I’m sexy and I’m cool
Little rough around the edges, but I keep it smooth
I’m always left of center, and that’s right where I belong
I’m the random minor note you hear in major songs

And I like that
I don’t really give a fuck if I was just the only one
Who likes that
I never like to follow, follow all around and chase the sun

Oh me, oh me, oh me, oh my
Oh me, oh me, oh me, oh my
Oh me, oh me, oh me, oh my
I like that

I remember when you called me weird
We was in math class third row, I was sitting by you
Right before Mr. Ammond’s class
Cause my mom couldn’t afford new J’s
Polos, thrift store, thrift clothes that was all I knew
Do you remember?
Uh, I remember when you laughed when I cut my perm off
And you rated me a six
I was like: Damn
But even back then with the tears in my eyes
I always knew I was the shit

And I like that
I don’t really give a fuck if I was just the only one
Who likes that
I never like to follow, follow all around and chase the sun

Oh me, oh me, oh me, oh my
Oh me, oh me, oh me, oh my (I like that)
Oh me, oh me, oh me, oh my
I like that (I like that)Janelle Monáe – I Like That – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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