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Letra Música The Golden Throne – Temples

A friend is more than a companion
A foe is less than that to me
When you hear the words
The words you long to hear
Open up
The guidance from a close and loved one
Is more important than you think
When your arms are closed
Then open with a key
Secret key
Clashed hands shaking in the closet
Hands down, you’ll have to see
Past lives forgotten and remembered
Act now
When I don’t know where to go

Everything that you say to your closest one
Makes you feel like a pain toward everyone
When the words are unkind, you’ll regret the choice
For as long as you choose there may be rejoice
In the colour of day when you see the truth
Take a step to the front to the brunt of youth
Understand what they mean when they say the words
When sorry is said, feel it to your bones

Amends is made with a connection
A lonely man becomes a king
When you need the words
The words you long to feel
Listen up
The triumph of a close and loved one
The journey to the golden throne
When the gown is graced
Proceed towards the stage
Golden stage

Clashed hands shaking in the closet
Hands down, you’ll have to see
Past lives remembered and forgotten
Act now
When I don’t know where to go

Everything that you say to your closest one
Makes you feel like a pain toward everyone
When the words are unkind, you’ll regret the choice
For as long as you choose there may be rejoice
In the colour of day when you see the truth
Take a step to the front to the brunt of youth
Understand what they mean when they say the words
When sorry is said, feel it to your bonesTemples – The Golden Throne – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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